Common Eye Conditions Assessed at Our Vision Clinic
Our Roxburgh Park Medical Centre has a vision clinic equipped to assess and manage common eye conditions, including age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. We can treat conditions like:- Pterygium/Pinguecula: UV damage affecting the sclera (white of the eye), causing raised lumps or growths that can impact vision.
- Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD): Common in people over 50, this condition leads to blurred or distorted central vision due to retinal deterioration.
- Glaucoma: A group of conditions causing optic nerve damage, often from increased eye pressure, leading to gradual vision loss.
- Short-Sightedness (Myopia): Clear vision at short distances but blurry at longer ranges.
- Long-Sightedness (Hyperopia): Clear vision at long distances but blurry up close.
- Colour Vision Deficiency: Often inherited, this condition impairs the ability to distinguish certain colours, especially red and green.
- Astigmatism: Irregular eye shape causing blurry vision at both near and far distances.
- Floaters: Small spots or squiggles that appear in your vision due to changes in the eye’s jelly-like substance.
- Diabetic Retinopathy: Damage to the retina’s blood vessels, a complication of poorly managed diabetes.
- Presbyopia: Age-related difficulty focusing on close objects, typically starting in your 40s.
- Dry Eye Disease: Insufficient tear production causing dryness, discomfort, and redness.
- Lazy Eye (Amblyopia): Vision reduction in one eye from childhood due to abnormal visual development.
- Cataracts: Gradual clouding of the eye’s lens, leading to blurry vision at both near and far distances.