1300 765 456 info@inonehealthcare.com.au Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pm

Eye Health

Your eyes are precious and sensitive

At In One Healthcare, our fully qualified and highly experienced in-house optometrists carry out a range of eye health checks that may involve the following:

  • Testing the strength and control of the muscles inside your eyes, through eye movement and cover tests. This helps to evaluate whether your eyes are working collaboratively.
  • Testing your ability to read letters and identify shapes from various proximities, as this helps to determine whether you might need glasses (and if so, which prescription lenses will best cater for your needs).
  • Assessing your pupils’ reaction to light, and other tests to assess the health of the exterior of your eyes.
  • Checking the health of the inside of the eye (slit lamp) – this includes the cornea, iris, lens and anterior chamber.
  • Checking the health of the rear of the eye – this includes the retina, retina blood vessels, vitreous and optic nerve head.
  • Using the “puff of air” test to check the pressure in your eye, which can help to identify glaucoma.
  • OCT scans can generate a detailed 3D image of your retina, which provides our Roxburgh Park optometrists with a more holistic view of your overall eye health.

Get Your Eyes Checked by a Qualified Optometrist in Roxburgh Park

Are your eyes overdue for a health check? At In One Healthcare, we strongly recommend having your eyes checked by a trained optometrist at least every two years, or anytime you notice a change in your vision.

Our eye health isn’t necessarily something that many of us consider on a regular basis, but early detection of common eye conditions can make a huge difference in managing the condition so that it doesn’t get worse. Common eye conditions that we assess patients for include:

These are types of UV damage that affect the sclera, or the white part of the eye. A pinguecula is a raised, yellow-coloured lump which can sometimes become irritated. A pterygium is a growth which can spread over the front of the eye and eventually affect vision.

Common in people over 50, ARMD is an eye condition which causes blurred, missing or distorted central vision. It is a deterioration of the part of the retina which controls your direct line of sight (macula).

A group of eye conditions which cause damage the optic nerve. This is often due to a build-up of pressure in the eye. Usually, vision loss is gradual and can go undetected for a long time without regular eye tests.

An eye condition where objects appear clear at short distances and are blurry further away.

An eye condition where objects appear clear at long distances and are blurry up close.

Most of the time, this is inherited and more common in males. The most common colour deficiency is the inability to distinguish shades of red and green.

A common eye condition where the shape of the front of the eye is not perfectly spherical. It may be steeper in one direction compared to the other. This leads to blurry vision at both distance and near.

The eye is filled with a jelly-like substance that becomes more liquid over time. Consequently, you can get floaters, which are small dark spots or squiggly lines that float across your vision.

A complication of diabetes, diabetic retinopathy is the damage to blood vessels at the back of the eye (retina). It can occur as a result of poorly controlled blood sugar levels.

A normal part of the aging process, presbyopia is the gradual loss of the ability to focus objects at near. It usually begins in your early to mid-40s and stabilises by your mid-60s.

This occurs when the tears cannot lubricate the eyes sufficiently. Symptoms can include dryness, discomfort and redness.

Is the reduction of vision in at least one eye from childhood. This happens as a result of abnormal or poor development of the visual pathway.

Cataracts are the progressive clouding of the otherwise clear lens inside the eye. This results in blurry vision at both distance and near.

Book your next appointment now

Eye Health at Our Roxburgh Park Medical Centre

At In One Healthcare’s optometry clinic, we provide comprehensive optometrist eye checks to ensure your vision health is in top condition. It’s essential to have your eyes checked regularly, and we recommend an eye test every two years or sooner if you notice changes in your vision.

Common Eye Conditions Assessed at Our Vision Clinic

Our Roxburgh Park Medical Centre has a vision clinic equipped to assess and manage common eye conditions, including age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. We can treat conditions like:
  • Pterygium/Pinguecula: UV damage affecting the sclera (white of the eye), causing raised lumps or growths that can impact vision.
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD): Common in people over 50, this condition leads to blurred or distorted central vision due to retinal deterioration.
  • Glaucoma: A group of conditions causing optic nerve damage, often from increased eye pressure, leading to gradual vision loss.
  • Short-Sightedness (Myopia): Clear vision at short distances but blurry at longer ranges.
  • Long-Sightedness (Hyperopia): Clear vision at long distances but blurry up close.
  • Colour Vision Deficiency: Often inherited, this condition impairs the ability to distinguish certain colours, especially red and green.
  • Astigmatism: Irregular eye shape causing blurry vision at both near and far distances.
  • Floaters: Small spots or squiggles that appear in your vision due to changes in the eye’s jelly-like substance.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy: Damage to the retina’s blood vessels, a complication of poorly managed diabetes.
  • Presbyopia: Age-related difficulty focusing on close objects, typically starting in your 40s.
  • Dry Eye Disease: Insufficient tear production causing dryness, discomfort, and redness.
  • Lazy Eye (Amblyopia): Vision reduction in one eye from childhood due to abnormal visual development.
  • Cataracts: Gradual clouding of the eye’s lens, leading to blurry vision at both near and far distances.

Expert Optometrists in Roxburgh Park

Our experienced team of optometrists uses advanced techniques to assess your vision health. From testing muscle control to checking pupil reactions and conducting slit-lamp examinations, we ensure thorough evaluations. We also offer OCT scans, providing detailed insights into your retina’s health. Whether you need help with designer glasses frames, eye lenses, or prescription adjustments, our Roxburgh Park Medical Centre can help.

Book Your Appointment Today

Book your next eye test with our expert team. We provide a full range of optometry services, including referrals to a Gladstone Park optometrist, optometrists in Epping, and optometrists in Craigieburn. In One Healthcare, we’re committed to maintaining your vision health for years to come.